Whiteboard Help

1 The drawing canvas of the whiteboard. Hold the left mouse button down to draw onto the canvas. If other people are connected to the whiteboard, you will see them drawing in real-time.
1  Click on the drawing colour you want to use.
Palette - click to bring up an RGB colour palette window.
1  Click on the size you want to use. This will be the pen size for lines and unfilled shapes, and the font size for drawing text.

(optional) - Type in a URL, then press the RETURN key or click the Send Url button to open up the web page on the other users' displays. The Send Url button only appears if the show_send_url option has been set to true in the options file for the whiteboard.
1  Click on a button to change the current drawing mode:
- Use to draw ovals and circles.
- Use to draw filled ovals and circles.
- Use to draw rectangles and squares.
- Use to draw filled rectangles and squares.
- Use to draw straight lines. Drag and hold down the left mouse button to draw the line.
- Use to draw freehand lines.
- Use to place text. Click on the whiteboard with the left mouse button where you want the text to appear, then type in the text.
- Use to flood fill an area with the current colour.
- Use this like a laser pointer to highlight items on the whiteboard without actually drawing onto it.
- Enters pan mode, allowing you to move the drawing canvas. Click the left mouse button on the whiteboard canvas and drag to pan.
- Enters zoom mode, allowing you to zoom in and out of the drawing canvas. Click the left mouse button on the whiteboard canvas to zoom in, and click the right button to zoom out.
- Enters eye dropper mode, allowing you to pick a colour from the drawing canvas. Click the left mouse button on the whiteboard canvas to select the colour from the pixel at that location.
- Click to clear the contents of the whiteboard.

Prev/Next (optional) - cycles through the png/jpeg images alphabetically. The Prev and Next buttons only appear if the presenter option has been set to true in the options file for the whiteboard.
1  Click on a button to activate that function:
Load - allows you to load a previously saved picture, or a jpeg/png background image.
Save - allows you to save the current picture. If the filename you enter ends with ".jpg", ".jpeg" or ".png", the picture will be saved as a jpeg or png file. Otherwise it is saved in a custom vector format.
Upload Document - allows you to upload a document (.doc, .xls, .ppt or .pdf) or image (.gif, .png, .jpg or .tiff). After uploading, you can load the document by using the Load button. Note that the Upload Document button is only displayed if you have upload permission.
Voiceconf - click this button to begin a voice-over-ip conferencing session, allowing you to speak to the other users in the conference using your microphone (NOTE: it is recommended that all users have headsets).
Disable Drawing - click this button to prevent any other users from drawing onto the whiteboard. Note that this button is only displayed if you have "disable interaction" permission.
Desktop Sharing (optional) - clicking this button enables the desktop sharing function. Your computer desktop image will be sent to the other users in real-time, allowing you to demonstrate applications. The other users will just be able to view your desktop and your mouse pointer; they will not have any control over your desktop or your computer. The Desktop Sharing button only appears if the show_deskshare option has been set to true in the options file for the whiteboard.